Wednesday, February 2, 2011

disappointment.- then relief!

This animation was the best one I've done so far! I learnt my lesson from last time and put the camera exactly where I wanted it. Also, I got so most of the cars moving as opposed to just two. I did this by pressing set key after every change I made to the position of each car instead of changing all the cars and then setting the key. However, the orange car is still stubborn and wont move!

Anyway, for some reason, some of the mapping files or something were missing and I think that might be why this video is currently not playing for me. I thought I'd upload it to youtube regardless just to see if maybe miraculously it would just start working once I embedded it.

Even if it doesnt work, here it is!


Okay, so I hope the improvement is evident in this video. My only complaint now is that my position in this video appears to be further away from the animation than it seemed when I made the animation in 3ds max...
Maybe next time I should just position my camera even closer than where I want the final product.

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